About the Author

My love of writing developed out of my background as a research scientist. I started my academic journey at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts studying Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as well as taking wide-ranging courses in the humanities and history. My writing was focused primarily on peer-reviewed scientific papers, linked below. I also gained experience writing about Holocaust history and the history of medicine. Additionally, I worked as a tutor at the Clark University Writing Center, coaching both undergraduate and graduate students in all facets of their writing. After graduating from Clark with a BA and MS, I moved to the University of Pittsburgh to study Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology in 2017. Rather than complete a PhD, I decided to leave academia in 2020 and have since worked in the biotechnology industry. Outside of work, I became heavily involved with political activism, particularly within the Black Lives Matter movement and labor movements. My experience as an activist has informed how I think about science in society and the way in which I frame my writing.
